Title of Keynote talk
Welcome to ICCH 17. The Local Department of the Danish Greenlandic Society for Circumpolar Health
Short biography
- MD, GP, Doctor h.c., Greenland Center for Health Research, Ilisimatusarfik, University of Greenland
- Has worked in Nuuk, Greenland, since 1986 and is a family physician at the Centre for Primary Health Care in Nuuk
- Research fields are Traditional food risk/benefit and Family health
- Serves on many committees on health care delivery, research and education in Greenland
- Chair of the Greenland Institute of Natural Resources
- Doctor PhD honoris causa 2015 Ilisimatusarfik, University of Greenland.
- Internationally active in the AMAP Human Health working group, Committee for Inuit Circumpolar Health, Chair of the Arctic Health and Well-being network under the University of the Arctic