Press releases
Articles from the ICCH17 conference are now available. Please see the Press releases page.
Articles from the ICCH17 conference are now available. Please see the Press releases page.
Photos and videos are now available on the Photos and videos page.
The ICCH17 is now finished. Thanks to all participants for your contributions.
The program for sessions and workshops is now available inclusive of a list of presentation with author index. Please go to the page for program for sessions and presentations.
If you have registered before and wish to register for additional social events, you can do so on the Social events additional registration page.
The PhD course in 'Working with and among indigenous populations of the Arctic' arranged by the University of Copenhagen August 16-18 following the ICCH17 Congress August is open to applications.…
Hotel rooms are popular in Copenhagen in August. Make sure to reserve rooms soon.
Abstract deadline has been extended to June 1. Please see the Abstract page for submission.
Deadline for the Summer School of Arctic Health has been extented to May 1, 2018. See here for further information.